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Attendance Office

Guidelines and Procedures

Skyward Family Access

It is a parent's responsibility to monitor the student's school attendance. This can be done by utilizing the district's Skyward Family Access application. In addition, Boerne ISD sends automated notices when a student is absent from school for one or more periods. Please ensure all contact information is up-to-date in Skyward to ensure communication.

The Boerne ISD Student Handbook details Attendance and Absence guidelines and procedures.

view the student handbook

Attendance Law

State law requires that students be in attendance for at least 90% of the time class is scheduled to meet to receive credit for that class. This includes both EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED absences.

No Credit Received (NC)

A student who is in violation of the 90% Attendance Law will NOT receive credit for the course. A student who receives No Credit (NC) in a course may regain credit status by completing an alternate attendance action plan set by their assistant principal. Students who receive a NO CREDIT are not eligible to receive the Verification of Enrollment (VOE) form required in order to receive a Texas Driver's License until they regain credit status.

Types of Absences

How to Document an Absence

Check Out Procedures

Contact Us

skyward family access

Attendance/Discipline Secretary
Susan Price
email ms. price