About Us
Welcome to Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary School!
We are an "A+" campus serving students in grades Pre-K through 5th. We are a Capturing Kids Hearts campus and have been a National Showcase School for the past 3 school years. In 2000, we were also named a "National Blue Ribbon". Our school is located 18 miles northwest of San Antonio, Texas, and is part of the Boerne Independent School District. We are located in the city of Fair Oaks Ranch which was incorporated on January 27, 1988.
F.O.R.E. was built in 1994-95 and opened with 750 students. The main school building features 38 spacious classrooms. In addition to classrooms, we have special rooms assigned for music, art, computer, and special education.
Parents are an integral part of our school. We are so fortunate to have many parents that can donate their valuable time to be volunteers. Our campus PTO is very active and involved with organizing family school events that bring community members together. Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary was designed specifically with children in mind.
We are committed to educating the whole child. We do this by incorporating Social Emotional Learning and The Great 8 Skills into the educational process through our classrooms, community members, parents, student peers, and special guests. We teach academics, but more importantly, we teach respect, love, honesty, self-discipline, perseverance, and compassion. Our campus has many extra-curricular activities after school that foster relationship-building outside of the classroom that include Destination Imagination, Art Club, Choir, Student Council and more. We give every student an opportunity to growth as a whole person while guiding them through goal setting, celebrating successes and identifying areas to grow. Our children do not systematically graduate from one grade to the next; instead, they blossom and grow!
Mission Statement
The mission of Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary is to nurture the intellectual, emotional, social, creative, and physical growth of all children. Parents, educators, and community members will work together with students to create a developmentally appropriate educational environment that will prepare students for success in school and to be lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Vision Statement
Empowering every child to thrive as a lifelong learner and engaged citizen.
School Colors
Navy and Light Blue